Everybody wants something for nothing. I'll spread the vid if you help me out with Soundcloud and Facebook likes. I also have a blog I could put him up on. <a href="http://dub-hop.com">http://dub-hop.com</a>. Sound like a fair deal?
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Senator-John-Dean/267985576615689">http://www.facebook.com/pages/Senator-John-Dea n/267985576615689</a>
<a href="http://www.soundcloud.com/senator-john-dean">http://www.soundcloud.com/senator-john-dean</a>
PM me if you're willin to trade.
Just saying, you could've not responded if you weren't interested.
I wasn't saying you had to, I'm just asking for support.