So sorry for the lack of animated content lately.
I went through a long phase of many problems with all the tools I was using.
Audacity wasn't opening, Flash wouldn't export to a decent quality format,
That's all in the past, however!
Since the release of Swivel, I was overly anxious to get it and test it on the 1953-1964 animation to attempt to upload it to YouTube. There was a random issue with the sound in the swf exporting with the animation, but I'll get around to fixing that.
I'm beginning work very soon on short animated skits for both here and YouTube, shortly before starting an Indiegogo campaign on my two animated series, which I will fully explain in the pitch video once the campaign goes live.
Other than that, I've been releasing artwork when I have done them and will continue to do so inbetween flashes.
Here are links to my nonsense:
Utubedude8245 Facebook Page
Utubedude8245 YouTube Channel
More drawings on DeviantArt
and while I don't use this as often... Utubedude8245's Twitter
Stay Beautiful, my figs. Yes, you are still my fig newtons. I never forgot that. :)