It had that "Not really a *insert object here*" joke, which can be funny, this could've maybe been just a bit longer. That or it's missing something. Keep up the good work though.
It had that "Not really a *insert object here*" joke, which can be funny, this could've maybe been just a bit longer. That or it's missing something. Keep up the good work though.
thx man. I recently started a month ago. I am still new so it is a little hard to know what people will and will not laugh at. I will try to make more funnies. I mainly do DBZ funny clips. Thanks for your opinion. I am trying to get subscribers on youtube and I would appreciate it if you would be one of them because you can judge my videos. Thank you. My channel -
Humor's good, love and know the references, and you seem to have animation down pretty good. All I can say as far as audio is work on it a bit. You were understood, but if you're using audacity, or pretty much in whatever you're using, I suggest trying to get a sound that is not so echo-ey by using noise removal (in audacity if that is what you use.) Just a bit of constructive criticism. All in all, nice work. 3.5 stars
thanxxx :)
it looks interesting enough. Is it gonna be a sort of "based off our lives" kind of series?
Yeah, most of our ideas that are going to be used in this show are inspired by things we do in real life, but we exaggerate them. Some things we just make up, but it keeps true to our personalities. A long way down the road, the series will take a turn in a different direction, but I don't want to reveal what that is just yet.
this actually made me laugh (The part when the face pops up on slender after he cant eat the sandwich). I also like the way this was animated. Keep it up
thank you, this mean alot to me
This is creative in the sense that its your beginnings in animation. By creative i mean in the way you did some of the movement.
If you want to learn animation to be better, I suggest tutorials by FunyMony or Spazkidin3d on YouTube. They really helped me, so they should have some effect on you. Keep working at it if you like animation
Do they make Macromedia Flash 8 tutorials?
Was the 3D part at the beginning the farthest you got in terms of fleshing this out?
I would really love to see a fleshed out final production of this!
Keep up the good work!
Had a few more unassembled 3d scenes that are not in there, I prefered keeping it mostly in storyboard format instead of random badly put together 3d stuff
As said in the description that's a storyboard for something that will never happen, you can check Freak 1 and 2 they're in here :)
Chris here I am such an animation fanboy The only problem,I'm broke as hell right now Soon I'll have the necessary enough tools to better myself Thnx Spazkid for the tutorials and the inspiration to keep going 2 epic animated series are coming... Getready
Age 30, Male
Joined on 8/14/11